How Much Sugar (C12h22011) In Grams Must Be Added To 450 Ml Water To Make A 20% Sugar Solution? Show

How much sugar (C12H22011) in grams must be added to 450 ml water to make a 20% sugar solution? Show solution please.


90g per 450ml aqueous


You should really say whether your solution is weight per weight w/w or weight per volume w/v or volume per volume v/v when expressing a percent solution

Percent solutions of a solid in water are normally weight per volume w/v

So it does not really matter what is dissolved in the water.

100 percent sugar solution w/v =100g / 100 ml

20 percent w/v = 20g / 100 ml

In 450ml solution = 20g x 450 ml / 100 ml

= 90g / 450 ml

= 90g per 450ml aqueous solution

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