To Have A Better Understanding, Below Are The Summarized Steps In "Completing The Square"., 1. Place

To have a better understanding, below are the summarized steps in “completing the square”.

1. Place the constant term on the right side of the equation. All the terms with unknowns are on the left side.
2. If the coefficient of the quadratic term, ≠ 1, divide each term of the equation by the numerical coefficient.
3. To get the constant term needed to complete the square, get the numerical coefficient of linear term, divide it by 2 and square it. Add the result to both sides of the equation.
4. Factor the perfect square trinomial.
5. Extract the square root from both sides. Two values will be obtained for the right side of the equation.
6. Equate the linear expressions to each of the two values.
7. Solve each of the resulting linear equations.
8. Check your answer by substituting to the original equation.


ano po i cant understand hehe try it better you can answer it
