B. Using The Sofa Syllables, Write The Corresponding Notes For The Following 11 12 10 13
B. Using the sofa syllables, write the corresponding notes for the following 11 12 10 13

9. fa
10. do
11. re (higher)
12. so or sol
13. re (lower)
So-fa syllable names
9. fa - it is written on the 1st space of the treble staff
10. do - it is written on the 4th space of the treble staff
11. re (higher) - it is written on the 4th line of the treble staff
12. so or sol - it is written on the 2nd line of the treble staff
13. re (lower) -it is written on the 1st space below the treble staff
The musical staff is consist of five parallel lines and four spaces. Its pitch names or so-fa syllable names depends on the kind of musical staff that a music composition or a musical line is written and the key signature of the musical composition.
The given item in the activity is in the key of C major (or A minor) since both does not have a flat or sharp on its key signature. In the key of C major, the so-fa syllable names are not affected since it used the standard so-fa syllables for the pitch names.
• The pitch names and so-fa syllable names of the lines on the treble staff are as follows: from the 1st line to the fifth lines, the pitch names are E (mi), G (so or sol), B (ti), D (re) and F (fa).
• The pitch names and so-fa syllable names of the spaces on the treble staff are as follows: from the 1st space to the fourth space, the pitch names are F (fa), A (la), C (do), E (mi).
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